15 Dec

     A discussion of the 2024 election that returns trump to the White House must begin with a description of the voters.  Who are these women? Knowing who they are and what they responded to is a first step toward loosening their voting power.  Few of us imagined that half the women who voted in 2024 would be willing to vote for a man and a political party that state unequivocally they mean to disempower women.  They did.  To our nation's shame.  The outcome was surprising. But more surprising is that many on the Democratic and Independent side talk about building alliances and going high and respecting the democratic process.  I call bull shit to those supplications. We are not the women who voted for rapists, for criminalizing women and doctors because of emergency abortions, for harming our LGBTQ family and neighbors, for shielding criminals and insurrections from justice. We are not them.  We will speak to how they betrayed the nation, women, children, and immigrants. We will call them out.  It is their turn to build bridges and listen to we who demonstrate our respect for democracy and freedom.

     They mainly identify as non-Latino White women. Whether they live in affluent suburbs, behind security gates, the inner city, rural communities, rent modular homes or own a home on a country-club estate, they share a few traits. They believe in white male supremacy and will fiercely protect it.  They believe in US exceptionalism; some know better from their travels while most know too little because they travel only as far as Branson, Missouri, or Las Vegas, Nevada. The former often stay in 'safe' locales like resorts and expensive communities where exposure to other ideas and cultures is as non-existent as a weekend in Branson. However, women who consistently, without coercion, vote Republican are not the "Tell me how you make a living, how your national healthcare program works, the great ideas passed down to you by writers and poets" type.

      More important, and this belief is an extension of white male supremacy, is their belief in a White Male Saviour.  Women who are not particularly Jesusie and rarely attend worship services might believe as religious fanatics do in a one-man band, a John Wayne defending all that is good and decent, a Bruce Willis fighting against those who want to upend power and ruin Christmas. The religious fanatic calls him Dear Leader, Pastor or Father (or Dr Drummond after he bought a degree). The less religiously inclined call him Trump...or President Trump (even when he does not hold the office) or The Fuhrer (in a time and place not so long ago). 

     Is it possible to change the minds of women who hold these biases? The possibility for change is real. Because I was there at thirty years of age in 1983. One condition is vital for fertile ground that encourages growth. An uncomfortable, unsteady situation in the life of an inquisitive person.  Whether her life's tremor is caused by failing relationships, financial insecurity, or simply by exposure to critical thinking, she must feel the ground shake under her feet. And she must have already been curious about other ideas. 

     Surely you see that this describes a person's security gap into which scammers and shysters sneak. I agree. But, the inquisitive mind is as eager to hear Reason as it is to hear an emotional plea. And, an inquisitive mind is more likely to recognize deceit in emotional appeals. Just as important, her life experiences taught her the subtle differences in manipulation, reason, and emotional appeal.  Never underestimate how much women in religious circles -- families, churches, cults, theocracies, small communities -- experience being dismissed, bullied, insulted, falsely maligned, molested, raped, or isolated. They know the dangers posed by men who believe in their own superiority and in women's subjugation. They've heard from men "I'll take care of you" too many times to count. 

     What they need to hear is this: I'll teach you how to take care of yourself. 

     Women adapt themselves to living in the male-dominated world. Women who accept domination are incurious, will not listen to Reason. Whether comfortable in their circumstances or not, incurious women find comfort in roles that keep their friends and men happy. The Trad Wife role suits them. However, we want to be The Helpers that unsettled, impatient, restless, disappointed, and inquisitive women need. 

     Changing minds is all about offering women common sense, reasonable, empathetic, intelligent and achievable alternatives to cruel, hateful, demeaning, restrictive, and stifling rules set in place by the men in their lives.

     These next four years of Republican power will shake up many women's lives. We must be ready to use social media, podcasts, film and television media, books, poetry, music, schools, social services, and community support groups to reach and help the women who reach out for us. They will, even if the requests are subtle or small. We do not need to see large numbers to believe it.  We know from history what right wing governments and religions do to women.  We know in the USA that the Republican party will fail women. Project 2025 started two years ago with the Dodd decision.

      When Mr. Rogers said, "Look for the helpers", he could not have imagined that we would be in this place in 2024.  Let us uphold the sentiment expressed in these words. Women are The Helpers. Women will teach other women how to help themselves. Women will do this. 



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