Blog on Thursday Dec 20 by Nancy Jean

  •  12/17/2020 03:13 AM

The Old Man In The Piazza, A short story by Salman Rushdie, as published in The New Yorker, November 23, 2020. These are my few of many unfolding thoughts after several readings. I write this prior to reading the interview in which Rushdie comments on this short story. Will we, author and reader, agree?

Blog December 8, 2020 by Nancy Jean

  •  12/8/2020 03:20 AM

Women rarely must say to each other, "I'm speaking". Even if their talk overlaps, women are better listeners than men. But women are losing this skill, this art. Why is that?

Blog Dec 3 by Nancy Jean

  •  12/3/2020 01:51 AM

What political and societal changes can we expect to see after January 20, 2021 and into the next decades? I suggest that Baby Boomers get on board with the changes that our children and grandchildren want to see.

Blog 11/30/2020 by Nancy Jean

  •  11/30/2020 02:42 AM

If true that most women who identify themselves as White voted for Donald J Trump than a Joe Biden administration, why does this surprise Americans? Why do white women continue to vote for the white supremacists?