They wish for 1928; they'll destroy everything else to take the USA back to that era.

  •  2/20/2025 06:41 AM

They (America's white evangelicals and fundamentalists) are who they are because Power and Greed never changed their core beliefs in White Male Supremacy. Power and Greed merely sweetened the political deals they made within the Republican party.

Jesus' teachings; the 'inconvenient' truths that white evangelicals reject.

  •  2/16/2025 04:14 AM

Today's Sunday School Lesson: The old religious studies courses we took for the easy A are no longer valid. America's Christianity is a fractured, weak, sectarian, divided, and splintered religion that survives only to support the far right and the new American fascism. Some sects like Methodists are defying the trend...but it is too little, too late.

On Freedom & Peace by Nancy Jean

  •  3/15/2021 12:35 PM

The first step to a productive life in freedom and peace begins with me. Free from the constraints of religious cultism.