08 Jan

We are not prepared. We have debts, excessive housing costs, and familial obligations such as caring for our aging parents. We see more homeless camps now than we've seen at any time since the 1930s. Our wages do not keep up with rising healthcare costs. One thing is certain -- Republicans will damage this economy.  It is historical fact. Although this economy works very well for people who make six or seven figures in income and returns on investments, it does not benefit young people with student loan debt or without the advantage of generational wealth. It does not benefit the elderly or the frail. Hard work is not enough. Democrats did not fix the economy; they merely rescued it from the pandemic crisis. Republican obstructionism and Democratic elitism worked hand in hand.  But left to themselves, Republicans are notorious for creating economic conditions that hurt most people while benefiting the wealthy. 

We should as individuals and families tighten our spending. Republicans are poised to deregulate banking and financial industries. They will try to take credit for the Biden Administration economy as the next two years unfold, but Republicans will have at least another two years to do their worst. All fairness aside -- "It's not fair that the middle and lower income classes should suffer most" -- we have to protect ourselves. Creating a booming economy by excessive personal spending does two things: It sends wealth to the top and it increases our personal debt. Therefore, just as tithing benefits only those in ministerial and official church positions who never work, spending outside our means and buying stuff we pile into our storage units benefits only the corporate owners and shareholders. Of course, they will lay off workers as consumption decreases; they always put shareholders first. But we should consider the importance of decreasing our personal debt.  It must be a priority.

The economic conditions of the 1950s and 60s will not soon return. Might not ever return. Those policies and conditions created a large middle class and encouraged small businesses. Those days are over. The plutocrats and theocrats are in charge now.

However, we have the means to help ourselves if we are willing to make changes.

We need multigenerational housing, and many of us can quickly invite family into our homes, sharing the costs. We need to change our dietary habits. Drive-through and restaurant meals are both expensive and unhealthy. Using our kitchens and preparing healthy meals should not be an "option", it should be a necessity and a good habit. We can eat out occasionally without using our credit cards. And, why do we buy so much clothing that our closets and landfills overflow? 

There is no question that marketing -- via internet influencers and television commercials -- pressures us to spend money that we should not spend. Americans are consumers. But learning to avoid those pressures and plan ahead and stick with wise budgets is mature behavior. Again, who benefits most from our credit card debts? Not us. 

Most important of all is a real need to share what we do have. We have family and friends, we have some income and security, we have hope in a better future. Share those. Every dollar that is shared with others -- not the leftover dollars! -- returns tenfold to us. Every hour that is shared with others -- not our leftover hours! -- returns tenfold to us.  That is practical knowledge; religions do not own generosity or kindness. In fact, America's Christians are now the most disingenuous, selfish, bigotted, cruel, and heartless they've ever been. Do not look to them for advice or philanthropy. Get out of those churches. 

The Republican/MAGA right is poised to take from all of us, even to steal from us, while it funnels power and wealth to the top. You and I have little if any control over what they do in 2025. But we have each other, and we have brains enough to make wiser decisions. 

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