Women's Voices

Short Stories, Essays, Novels

Birthday Cake for Breakfast

  •   8/25/2023 06:16 AM

Journal Day 2

  •   8/26/2023 08:45 AM

About My Novels

  •   8/29/2023 12:38 PM

On Wasting Time

  •   9/1/2023 12:53 PM

The True One

  •   9/1/2023 02:01 PM

On Autumn and Courage

  •   10/4/2023 11:35 AM

We have a gun violence problem. It is fueled by far right propaganda. Wealthy gun lobbyists and gun manufacturers, politicians, and anyone who profits from the gun industry will not offer reasonable solutions. Americans must listen to each other and talk together to describe the problem and create solutions.

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During WWII, the British accepted their personal and national struggles to defeat German aggression and prevent German invasion of their islands. Their collective heroism was based on fear but quite rational. In contrast, German people's irrational and cultish beliefs in Hitler empowered his aggression and caused their unimaginable personal sacrifices. Disinformation is a powerful force.

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I wondered why I have watched the BBC series, Foyle's War, multiple times. To understand my fascination with this period drama, I recently watched the full series again and will write my thoughts. What did I observe? What have I learned? How do I connect with the story? I came away admiring the British and their determined resolve to defend their nation.

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This is an excerpt from my novel, Little Texas. Three young women, born and raised together in Clovis, New Mexico, USA, find their lives upended following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Clovie, Susan, and Akiko are in their senior year of high school when Akiko disappears overnight with the entire Japanese colony.

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I learned that words matter, whether spoken to myself or aloud to others. I learned to avoid the word SHOULD and rethink my ideas.

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Women have the power to change the culture for better. Resurgence of right-wing obstruction and violence is retaliation to women's growing power.

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Establish routines so that you as a writer, and your loved ones as your supporters, respect the boundaries.

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Many women enable the systematic radicalization of today's white conservative men. Who are these women?

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The first step to a productive life in freedom and peace begins with me. Free from the constraints of religious cultism.

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Women must be the protectors and teachers and leaders of all that is good, fair, kind, and true.

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Treasures are the truths that we uncover and brilliantize with our voices.

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     I am seventy years old and finally have the time and energy I've always wanted to give to creative writing. And, not surprisingly, I also have stories to tell and ideas to share. Often the main character in a film endures endless hours or years of 'writer block' or a frustrating search for plot or protagonist. I cannot imagine I will run out of ideas before my brain says goodbye. This is the best time of my life.

I've lived in New Mexico, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, and Alaska -- not in this order. Albuquerque is my current home. I also enjoy, since my retirement from teaching in the classroom, traveling to visit new places, meeting new people, learning new ideas and broadening my experiences. My travels to places like Puerto Rico, Austria, and other places in the United States inspire creative ideas.

My new books,  Little Texas and Pease River Revival are now available as ebooks in most online bookstores.

Thank you for visiting my work on this site. Please contact me. I would love to hear from my readers. Read to Learn; Write to Learn!

About Nancy Jean imageAbout Nancy Jean image

For My Little Brother, So You Won’t Have To

Older brother must leave and report to Camp Hale Colorado. How does he say goodbye to his twelve year old brother?

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  •   1/7/2024 06:03 AM